
an HTML attribute for the iframe tag
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The allowfullscreen attribute is used to enable fullscreen mode for an HTML element, such as a <iframe> or <video> element. The attribute can be added to the HTML element like so:

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can also set the attribute using JavaScript:

document.getElementById("myiframe").allowFullscreen = true;

CSS can also be used to control the appearance of the element while in fullscreen mode. For example, to hide the element's controls while in fullscreen mode:

iframe::-webkit-full-screen { /* styles here */ }

Additionally, you can use :fullscreen pseudoclass to target the element when it is in fullscreen mode:

iframe:fullscreen { /* styles here */ }

You can also listen to the fullscreenchange event on the document to detect when the element enters and exits fullscreen mode.

document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function(event) { if (document.fullscreenElement) { console.log("Element entered fullscreen mode."); } else { console.log("Element exited fullscreen mode."); } });

It's important to note that not all browsers support the fullscreen API and the allowfullscreen attribute, so you may want to provide a fallback or alternative for users on older browsers.